Nothing is as perfect as the fruits of your own labour, and this little salad was the work of months. Some heavy digging to clear the ground, weeding and watering galore, and then a gap of months where we crossed our fingers and hoped. We planted these little tomatoes as tiny stalks in France in March, and then had to abandon them for the grind of daily life. How wonderful then that this neglect still bore fruit.
We planted poire jaune (yellow pear), tiger striped and moneymaker and baby plum tomatoes.
And the sun and occasional rain seemed to suit them...
The striped tiger tomatoes were probably our favourite: sharp and sweet all at the same time
And with produce this good cooking isn't needed: all these wanted was a little salt, pepper, olive oil and basil.
1 comment:
What a great variety of different tomatoes! Looks like a really simple but tasty salad.
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